Monday, January 28, 2013

God's Debt Policy,Lern with me this Masterious truth.

The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the slave of the lender (Prov 22:7 RSV). The Bible reveals that you cannot be in debt and be free and yet Jesus came to set us free from all forms of slavery. That is why it is written: You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of men (1 Cor 7:23-24).
To keep us free from the servitude of debt, God has instituted what in today’s terms may be called a consumer protection policy, a kind of policy that modern economies are trying to institute especially where debt has gone bad. That’s why I say, God’s financial system is superior, and, secure!
In Deut 15:1-2, God institutes that all loans must be restricted to a period of no more than seven years, and the lender must forgive and cancel all outstanding loans at the end of the seven years. Exodus 22:26 and 24:6 institutes that a man’s (or a woman’s) livelihood shall not be taken as security for a loan. While as, in Deut 15:6, God lays out His plan regarding debt: I will bless you as I have promised, and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. The New Testament echoes this plan perfectly when Paul instructs believers to live God’s debt-free plan by owing no man anything (Rom 13:8 KJV).
Look, when God allows debt, He institutes very restrictive law on debt management. When God expresses his plan regarding debt, He speaks of a no-debt-status kind of plan: “You shall borrow from none”. What I read into God’s debt law is this: “My plan is not for you to be a borrower but for you to be debt-free, and even more than that, a lender”. And that is why I say, God’s debt policy, is a no-debt policy. What do you read into God’s debt law?

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